This will just be a very brief post to check in on a few things. I owe you a few posts right now: two tiyul (trip) reports to write up (Ein Gedi and Modiin vicinity), and a few class updates as well. I also have a bit of catch-up to do on the tourism business in general, and a post or two about things I’ve seen/done in Jerusalem lately. I’ve just been very busy, trying to get everything done and also stay up to date with my reports for each tiyul.
So I hope to write some of those posts very soon. But while I’m behind on that, I wanted to ask you to help me to get even more behind! I know this blog is still relatively young, and I’m just starting to find the exact voice and content that it will encompass as it grows. But I do know that there have been many people reading from around the world, and some who are also taking the time to explore beyond just a post or two.
To me, blogs in general (and this one in particular) should be about conversation, and building community. And yet, so far this blog has been largely unidirectional. I write, and you guys read. I’d love this to grow more into a conversation. So I’d like to encourage and ask you to please leave comments on posts, and/or to ask my questions or give me suggestions if you have any. You can leave them in comments, or can feel free to email me (there’s a link in the sidebar — just replace the [AT] and [DOT] in the email address with “@” and “.”).
Even just a note to say where you’re from, and/or how you found my blog, would be appreciated! But either way, thanks for reading, and I look forward to writing more posts very soon!