I am pleased to announce that I will be interviewed as a call-in guest this coming Friday (January 9th, 2015) on the Nachum Segal Network. I will have the pleasure of “appearing” on the show “Table for Two with Naomi Nachman” to discuss culinary travel in Israel. The show starts at 9 AM, Eastern Time. Read More
Category: Miscellaneous
More From Me
A brief post to let you know about a few new things I am doing that you might be interested in. Of course I have my blog here, but I am also starting to write in a few more places. The content will be different in each place, so if you like what I have Read More
Welcome to My Updated Website
I have been working for a long time now to upgrade this website. Before I received my Israel tour guide license, I mainly maintained this site as a blog, focused both on Israeli tourism and on the tour guide course I was taking. The plan all along was that once I began officially working, I Read More
Jerusalem From The Inside
Of all the annual cultural events, festivals and public spectacles in Jerusalem, Batim MiBifnim/Houses From Within stands alone. To those lovers of Jerusalem who have been before, it is one of the most anticipated events of the year, while to many others it remains one of the most overlooked treasures in the city’s cultural calendar. Read More
This is Not a Political Post
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I hate politics. But living in Israel and working in the field of tourism, it is fairly difficult to completely avoid dealing with political issues. Nearly every visitor has heard things about the political situation and/or sees things that relate to the issue. So they will Read More
Fun Joel on the Radio
Internet radio, that is! A very brief post to let you know that my old friend from Los Angeles, Liami Lawrence, hosts a popular internet radio show on Radio Kol America (kol is Hebrew for “voice”). In a few hours, he will be interviewing me on his show, discussing my aliya process, and my new Read More
Jerusalem’s Archaeological Surprises
Construction in Israel is always a difficult endeavor. In a country with as long a history as ours is, every time a spade or backhoe touches earth, there is the chance (or even the likelihood) that you will come across finds of archaeological significance. And when you do, construction grinds to a halt until the Read More
Stas v. Turkey: Why All the Uproar?
The news story that has most recently gotten all of the anti-Israel complainants in an uproar is this one, quoting Israel’s Minister of Tourism Stas Misezhnikov as calling for a boycott on Israeli tourism to Turkey. This came in response to Israeli news reports that said Turkey had classified Israel as a threat to regional Read More
More Progress
Finding a bit more time now, so hope to post some tour updates and more news stories soon. But just a quick summary for now. Tours that I’ve taken but not yet written about: Ein Gedi, southern Dead Sea area (Mt. Sodom), Modiin vicinity (Tel Gezer and stuff related to the Maccabees) and Sharon/southern Carmel Read More
Just a Brief Check-In
This will just be a very brief post to check in on a few things. I owe you a few posts right now: two tiyul (trip) reports to write up (Ein Gedi and Modiin vicinity), and a few class updates as well. I also have a bit of catch-up to do on the tourism business Read More